EU - SMARTLINE-PV - Fast plasma-assisted perovskite crystallization for high efficiency lead-free perovskite thin film photovoltaics

Project: Research project

Project Details


Metal halide perovskite solar cells have moved into the focus of energy materials research through impressive power conversion efficiencies. However, the most efficient perovskite absorbers contain toxic lead. Tin halide perovskites have emerged as a promising alternative and efficiencies up to 14.6% have been already reported, but to become a highly capable thin film technology, further increasing their efficiency and stability, as well as fast and homogeneous large area perovskite crystallization compatible with roll-to-roll processes are still major hurdles. These challenges are tackled within SMARTLINE-PV by the development of a fast, robust and scalable plasma assisted crystallization technology leading to high quality tin perovskite films. The benefits lie in the high speed of the process, the low temperatures involved and in the precise control of perovskite nucleation and growth by a combination of the precursor chemistry and the plasma conditions. Moreover, (i) tailored interlayers will be applied to further improve the solar cell efficiency and stability and (ii) novel device concepts to fabricate flexible tin perovskite solar cell modules with selectable colour will be implemented. The lead-free thin film PV technology developed in SMARTLINE-PV will achieve efficiencies of 20-25%, with significant reduction of energy consumption and manufacturing costs compared to other thin film technologies, which typically involve high temperature steps. For the SMARTLINE-PV consortium, these advancements will lead to a plethora of new opportunities to strengthen the European photovoltaics industry in many sectors including the important building-integrated (BI) PV market. Ecodesign, circularity and social acceptance will play important roles in the whole development process in which a TRL progression of tin perovskite solar cells to TRL 5 is foreseen, which will be validated by the fabrication of BIPV-demonstrators and their operation in real-life conditions.
Effective start/end date1/01/2430/06/27


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