FWF - EuroGIGA - Advanced Voronoi (Delaunay) Structures

Project: Research project

Project Details


This CRP is devoted to the investigation of the geometric and algorithmic properties of geometric graphs, in particular, those arising from spatial decompositions. This is an interesting and demanding topic, with many aspects and applications, and remarkable relevant work has been done by the international scientific community, particularly in Europe. This CRP is meant to unite these strong forces, to provide a fruitful and sucessfull platform for a thorough investigation of this topic.The CRP is planned to consist of nine IPs from six European countries (Austria, Belgium, Germany, Poland, Spain, Switzerland), which include those where the tradition on the topics in this CRP is strong. Four main structures will be investigated in this CRP: Voronoi diagrams, Skeletal structures, Variants of triangulations, and Proximity graphs. These structures are interrelated, in a twofold sense. On the one hand, there is a direct geometric link between them, stemming from their definition as distance-based spatial structures. On the other, they share common features which allow their joint investigation on a higher level. Both aspects bear high potential of successful collaboration between the (groups of) people who by and large worked on these structures individually so far.
Effective start/end date15/06/1114/06/15


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