FWF - Hochdruck ESR - High pressure ESR-investigations of exchange reactions

Project: Research project

Project Details


In recent years ionic liquids (ILs) have become increasingly popular as solvents in chemistry. They are environmentally friendly alternatives to organic solvents and are already widely used in chemical synthesis and catalysis. Due to their ionic, or "two-component", structure, the properties of an IL may be changed according to the ions used. Future perspectives even indicate that ILs may be tuned towards certain properties, creating a virtually infinite set of "designer solvents". With the proposed research project, the main goal is to provide information on how simple chemical reactions, so- called exchange reactions, take place in ILs and to compare them to reactions in organic solvents. One type of exchange reaction is a simple electron transfer (ET) between the partners of a redox couple and such self-exchange reactions are often described using the Marcus Theory. Additionally, we will study spin exchange reactions, thus leading it information on diffusion processes in the IL. The intended reactions for study involve radical cations and anions as well as neutral radicals. The method of observation will be electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy, which is the method of choice for studies on such reactions. Apart from studying the exchange reactions in ILs at ambient conditions, we intend to perform measurements at variable temperatures and pressures. These will yield the activation parameters of the respective processes, which may then be interpreted within the Marcus Theory. Additionally, we will be looking at solvent dynamic effects, which are known to be present for some ET reactions in organic solvents, where the dielectric relaxation properties of the solvent influence the reaction. Not much is known about the extent of these effects in ILs and we hope to provide information on the matter during the course of the project. A certain parameter, the resonance splitting energy, which plays a central role in the Marcus Theory as well as in related theories can be obtained using near infra-red (NIR) spectroscopy. We intend to do so for the proposed systems in order to complete the energetic picture and so provide the best possible understanding of the processes studied. Moreover, we shall do so at variable temperature and pressure, something which is not often attempted. For both NIR and ESR, especially the pressure dependencies are scarce, but we believe that they are important in order to properly understand the reactions at hand as well as the theories used to describe them. For ESR, our department already possesses a high-pressure facility for the proposed studies and we plan to implement an UV- VIS-NIR high-pressure cell as part of this project. In conclusion, we believe that the proposed work will provide valuable information on ILs and processes that take place therein.
Effective start/end date1/09/1031/08/15


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