MiReBook - Mixed Reality Handbooks for Mining Education

Project: Research project

Project Details


In order to establish a modern, digital learning environment for the raw materials engineers of tomorrow this project will develop a novel digitally based teaching standard in mining and an adequate teaching tool to complete it. This pre-project makes up the very first work package of the larger MiReBooks project (Pre-Kava project work). In this pre-project, a prototype (two chapters of the future MR based handbook) will be created. A subsequent joint stakeholder evaluation will allow the development of precise digital teaching material for the graduate teaching of mining students based on virtual and augmented reality technology (Mixed Reality-MR). Also, the content will be didactically systemized in the form of a series of mixed reality based teaching handbooks. These MR based handbooks are going to be published under the name of EIT Raw Materials and will be a first book series that will be completed later for further areas such as processing, recycling and so on.
Effective start/end date1/01/1931/12/19


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