PREPARED - Post-quantum secure eID for Austria

Project: Research project

Project Details


eGovernment applications such as FinanzOnline or the "Digitales Amt" app are made possible by the availability of a digital identity management system (eID). The basis for such eID systems are cryptographic signatures, which on the one hand guarantee the authenticity of certificates and on the other hand offer citizens the possibility to authenticate themselves or sign documents. However, signatures and eID systems are confronted with new challenges and requirements. Taking into account the increasing requirements with regard to data protection, PREPARED has set itself the goal of expanding this process to include signatures with extended functionalities - so-called blind signatures. Control over the signature process is entirely in the hands of the user and can only be carried out in cooperation with the trust service provider. Due to the importance of eID systems for eGovernment applications, the technical solutions developed are accompanied by a legal analysis.
Effective start/end date1/10/2330/09/25


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