ProgFL - Accuracy improvementof a numericalmodelof a mainchassis beam forcrashanalysis

  • Woitsch, Gernot (Principal Investigator (PI))
  • Sinz, Wolfgang (Principal Investigator (PI))

Project: Research project

Project Details


The task of the project is the improvement of a finite elements model of a vehicle by discussing influences on the crashworthiness of the main chassis beam of an off-road-vehicle. The model of the main chassis beam was not improved with the full-scale-simulation-model of the vehicle, but with a reduced model, which contained only the main chassis beam and some attachments. This model was validated by comparing calculations to concept tests, which were made at the Vehicle Safety Institute of the Technical University of Graz. With the changes, the accuracy of the numerical model was improved significantly.
Effective start/end date1/01/1031/01/10


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