ReBoRo - Utilization of pipe trenches for stormwater infiltration

  • Krebs, Gerald (Co-Investigator (CoI))

Project: Research project

Project Details


Urbanisation and increasing imperviousness call for alternative methods in stormwater management. The utilization of pipe trenches is one option to infiltrate stormwater on-site to reduce urban runoff. Such a strategy sets new requirements for the pipe material as well as the bedding material. In case the trenches are vegetated with tress, additional loads on the pipe are induced by tree roots and the accessibility of pipes in case of failures has to be ensured. In the current project we will research the normative and environmental requirements along with structural boundary conditions for such systems. Furthermore, we will elaborate reference solutions for a variety of conditions e.g. depending on the traffic load or availability of space. Finally, a cost-benefit analysis will be conducted for the city area of Graz. Within this analysis, we will evaluate hydrologic-hydraulic conditions as well as economic factors along with the renovation schedule of the urban drainage system.
Effective start/end date1/01/1931/12/19


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