Repair of Concrete Structures with Polymer-modified Self-compacting Concrete (SPC)

  • Altendorfer, Tobias (Co-Investigator (CoI))
  • Geymayer, Helmuth (Principal Investigator (PI))

Project: Research project

Project Details


The application of flowable polymer-modified fine aggregate concretes shall be examined for the production of reinforced surface layers (as an alternative to sprayed concrete) in the repair of RC structures. Through examining different polymers and fibres a special concrete shall be developed. It shall achieve the desired qualities like reduced shrinkage, high ductility in elongation and good bond and tensile strength. After optimizing the mixture with rheological measurements and determining the characteristic properties of the fresh and the hardened concrete (including durability and corrosion protection), the application techniques shall be tested on model structures. The final goal shall be the development of a self-compacting polymer-modified fine concrete for the repair and strengthening of RC structures in cases where satisfactory solutions cannot be expected with sprayed concrete.
Effective start/end date1/03/0030/11/03


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