The Remote Sensing Information System DIVA

  • Niederl, Franz (Co-Investigator (CoI))

Project: Research project

Project Details


The Digital Interactive Venus Atlas (DIVA) is a remote sensing information system for a catalog of SAR radar image data from the Magellan mission to the planet Venus (1990--1994). The system consists of a Java based user interface accessible via the WWW, an image pyramid covering almost the entire Venusian surface, a remote interface to a data archive and a metadata catalog to retrieve quicklooks and information about available data sets. DIVA makes intensive use of Java's multi-threading capabilities to avoid the performance penalties of traditional WWW-based interfaces. Its state of the art user interface combined with a scaleable, clickable image map for interactively formulating spatial queries provides fast and easy access to the image catalog in a platform-independent way.
Effective start/end date1/01/9731/01/99


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