A Survey of Software Implementations for the Number Theoretic Transform

Ahmet Can Mert, Ferhat Yaman, Emre Karabulut, Erdinc Ozturk, Erkay Savas, Aydin Aysu

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference paperpeer-review


This survey summarizes the software implementation knowledge of the Number Theoretic Transform (NTT)---a major subroutine of lattice-based cryptosystems. The NTT is a special type of Fast Fourier Transform defined over finite fields, and as such, NTT enables faster polynomial multiplication. There have been over a decade of implementations of NTT following different design methods (e.g., CPU vs. GPU), aiming different optimization goals (e.g., memory-footprint vs. high-throughput), and proposing different styles of optimizations at different abstraction levels (e.g., arithmetic vs. assembly). At the same time, there are several techniques for evaluating and mitigating implementation attacks on NTT. Yet there is no quick guideline to help new developers/practitioners or future researchers given the continuing industry and academic efforts on NTT implementations. Our goal in this paper is to provide an overview of a decade of work. To that end, we survey NTT software implementations and categorize them based on their target platforms, optimization goals, and implementation security enhancements. We furthermore provide an executive summary of the key ideas proposed in related works. We hope this paper to be a designer pit stop into the NTT world and help them navigate to their destination.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationInternational Conference on Embedded Computer Systems
Publication statusPublished - 7 Nov 2023
Event2023 International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: SAMOS 2023 - Samos, Greece
Duration: 2 Jul 20236 Jul 2023
Conference number: XXIII


Conference2023 International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems
Abbreviated titleSAMOS 2023
Internet address

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