Antipode formulas for pattern Hopf algebras

Raúl Penaguiao, Yannic Vargas

Research output: Working paperPreprint


The permutation pattern Hopf algebra is a commutative filtered and connected Hopf algebra. Its product structure stems from counting patterns of a permutation, interpreting the coefficients as permutation quasi-shuffles. The Hopf algebra was shown to be a free commutative algebra and to fit into a general framework of pattern Hopf algebras, via species with restrictions. In this paper we introduce the cancellation-free and grouping-free formula for the antipode of the permutation pattern Hopf algebra. To obtain this formula, we use the popular sign-reversing involution method, by Benedetti and Sagan. This formula has applications on polynomial invariants on permutations, in particular for obtaining reciprocity theorems. On our way, we also introduce the packed word patterns Hopf algebra and present a formula for its antipode. Other pattern algebras are discussed here, notably on parking functions, which recovers notions recently studied by Adeniran and Pudwell, and by Qiu and Remmel.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 27 Oct 2022


  • math.CO
  • 05E05, 16T05, 18D10


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