Bojan Tapavcevic, Milena Stavric, Albert Wiltsche, Vesna Stojakovic, Mirko Rakovic

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference paperpeer-review


The rapid development of parametrical tools for architectural design has
created a big challenge for contemporary architectural education. athematics and geometry play again an important role in understanding these new tools. Recently, many universities have been introducing digital design and
fabrication into their syllabus to provide and teach a broader understanding of parametrical design. In order to make virtual parametric models also buildable, for architectural usage, a huge amount of knowledge and skills are needed, which induces a big task for teachers and a challenge for students.
This paper presents our teaching approach to the design process hrough parametrical modelling strongly based on geometry, mathematics, pogramming, hardware computing and material behavior.
Our teaching approach will be presented with four design projects that represent different strategies for digital fabrication. All described strategies involve different fabrication tools, methods and material logic into the design process. The core of our teaching approach is an understanding of geometrical
and material properties of objects and its translation into a geometrical and mathematical language in terms of computer algorithms.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication4 th eCAADe International Regional Workshop
Subtitle of host publicationBetween Computational Models and Performative Capacities
Place of PublicationNovi Sad
Number of pages144
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 19 May 2016
EventInternational Regional eCAADe Workshop: eCAADe 2016 - University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia
Duration: 19 May 201620 Jun 2016


WorkshopInternational Regional eCAADe Workshop
CityNovi Sad


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