Evaluation of a Virtual Reality Introductory Training to Enable New Learning Possibilities

Research output: Working paperPreprint


Integrating virtual reality in learning factory training provides new possibilities for learning and can help to overcome some of the existing limitations in physical learning factories. Although one of the main drivers for the technology is the gaming industry, an increasing number of companies and academia alike, start to acknowledge the potential of virtual reality. The most immersive and interactive form to use virtual reality are so-called Head Mounted Devices. Especially when dealing with Head Mounted Devices for the first time, users need a proper introduction to their handling and technical capabilities. Otherwise, there is a high risk, that users won´t be able to exploit the full potential of virtual reality, due to a lack of knowledge. This paper describes the concept of an introductory training, that teaches users (1) basic theoretical knowledge about virtual reality (2) independent handling of virtual reality devices, and (3) prepares them for further training modules and learning experiences in a virtual environment. The training is the base for more advanced trainings, that use virtual reality, in a Learning Factory as well as a Makerspace at Graz University of Technology. In the paper findings of a first evaluation are presented.
Original languageGerman
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 6 Jun 2023


  • Virtual Reality
  • Extended Reality
  • XR
  • VR
  • Training

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