Friction in Wheel-Rail Contact: A Model Comprising Interfacial Fluids, Surface Roughness and Temperature

Christoph Tomberger, Peter Dietmaier, Walter Sextro, Klaus Six

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference paperpeer-review


A profound description of friction in wheel-rail contact plays an essential role for optimization of traction control strat-egies, as input quantity for railway simulations in general and for the estimation of wear and rolling contact fatigue. A multitude of wheel-rail contact models exists, however, traction-creepage curves obtained from measurements show quantitative and qualitative deviations. There are several phenomena which influence the traction-creepage characteris-tics: Mechanisms resulting from surface roughness, frictional heating or the presence of interfacial fluids can have a dominating influence on friction. In this paper, a new wheel-rail contact model, accounting for these influential parame-ters, will be presented. The presented model accounts for the interaction of a interfacial fluid model for combined boun-dary and mixed lubrication of rough surfaces with a wheel-rail contact model that additionally accounts for frictional heating. A quantitative comparison with
measurements found in the literature is not conducted, since the exact condi-tions of the measurements are mostly unknown and parameters can easily be adjusted to fit the measurements. Empha-sis is placed on the qualitative behavior of the model with respect to the measurements and good agreement is found. The dependence of the traction on rolling velocity, surface roughness and normal load is studied under dry and water lubricated conditions.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings, 8th International Conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems
Place of PublicationFirenze
PublisherAB Ed.
ISBN (Print)9788890437007
Publication statusPublished - 2009
Event15th International Conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems: CM 2009 - Florenz, Italy
Duration: 15 Sept 200918 Sept 2009


Conference15th International Conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems
Abbreviated titleCM 2009


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