Potential pathways for carbon emission reduction in road passenger and freight transport

Thu Trang Nguyen*, Gerald Mahringer, Mario Hirz, Helmut Brunner, Christian Landschützer

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


The transport sector is transforming towards carbon neutrality. Recent technological
advancements have great potentials to significantly reduce carbon emissions in the sector. This paper reviews several concepts that potentially contribute to a carbon neutral future of road passenger and freight transport. These concepts are categorized into Automation, Connectivity, Decarbonization, and Sharing (ACDS). ACDS concepts for passenger transport include automated personal vehicles and group vehicles, connected and automated vehicles, mobility as a service, alternative propulsion systems, car-sharing, ride-sharing, and ride-hailing. On the other hand, ACDS concepts for freight transport consider eco driving assistance systems, automated
trucks, on-road/sidewalk delivery robots, the Physical Internet, electric and fuel cell trucks. An overview of the concepts is provided focusing on their advantages and disadvantages, as well as their technology maturity, which is defined by current technology readiness level (TRL) and market development stage. Potential contributions of the concepts are discussed in view of greenhouse gas emission reduction within technological pathways. It is concluded that all the concepts need to be combined and integrated in a smart way to enable a carbon neutral transportation sector.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 5 Apr 2022
Event12th International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport: mobil.TUM 2020 - TUM in Singapore , Singapore, Singapore
Duration: 26 Oct 202027 Oct 2020


Conference12th International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport
Abbreviated titleMOBTUM20
Internet address


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