The protective/regulative role of the antioxidant enzyme Irc15 on the microtubule network of S. cerevisiae

Karin Koch, Peter Macheroux

Research output: Contribution to conferencePoster


The genome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains 68 genes (1,1% of all yeast proteins) which encode for flavin-dependent proteins. Thirty-five flavoproteins require FAD (74%) and fifteen require FMN (26%). This utilization of FMN and FAD is similar to the distribution across all kingdoms of life. Several yeast flavoroteins could serve as convenient model system; nevertheless many yeast flavoenzymes are poorly characterized. Biochemical properties such as substrate specificity, kinetic parameters and reaction partners need to be determined to improve our understanding of human orthologs.
One flavoenzyme, which raised our interest is Irc15p (increased recombination centers 15). This protein is similar to FAD-containing lipoamide dehydrogenases, however, it lacks the internal dithiol-disulfide motif that is involved in the oxidation of lipoamide in the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex. Interestingly, Irc15p was found to be associated with microtubules and displayed an influence on the dynamics of microtubules. Loss of Irc15p function resulted in delayed mitotic progression due to the failure to establish tension between sister kinetochores. We are currently investigating the biochemical properties of recombinant Irc15p to better understand its functional role and its impact on microtubules.
Translated title of the contributionDie schützende/regulierende Rolle des antioxidativen enzyms Irc15 auf das Mikrotubuli Netzwerk von Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 4 Jul 2016
Event8th OxiZymes Meeting 2016 - Hof van Wageningen, Wageningen, Netherlands
Duration: 3 Jul 20166 Jul 2016


Conference8th OxiZymes Meeting 2016

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Biochemistry,Genetics and Molecular Biology

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