The Use of Synthetic Microbial Communities to Improve Plant Health

Samuel J. Martins*, Josephine Pasche, Hiago Antonio O. Silva, Gijs Selten, Noah Savastano, Lucas Magalhães Abreu, Harsh P. Bais, Karen A. Garrett, Nattapol Kraisitudomsook, Corné M.J. Pieterse, Tomislav Cernava

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Despite the numerous benefits plants receive from probiotics, maintaining consistent results across applications is still a challenge. Cultivationindependent methods associated with reduced sequencing costs have considerably improved the overall understanding of microbial ecology in the plant environment. As a result, now, it is possible to engineer a consortium of microbes aiming for improved plant health. Such synthetic microbial communities (SynComs) contain carefully chosen microbial species to produce the desired microbiome function. Microbial biofilm formation, production of secondary metabolites, and ability to induce plant resistance are some of the microbial traits to consider when designing SynComs. Plant-associated microbial communities are not assembled randomly. Ecological theories suggest that these communities have a defined phylogenetic organization structured by general community assembly rules. Using machine learning, we can study these rules and target microbial functions that generate desired plant phenotypes. Well-structured assemblages are more likely to lead to a stable SynCom that thrives under environmental stressors as compared with the classical selection of single microbial activities or taxonomy. However, ensuring microbial colonization and long-term plant phenotype stability is still one of the challenges to overcome with SynComs, as the synthetic community may change over time with microbial horizontal gene transfer and retainedmutations.Here, we explored the advances made in SynCom research regarding plant health, focusing on bacteria, as they are the most dominant microbial form compared with other members of the microbiome and the most commonly found in SynCom studies.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1369-1379
Number of pages11
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • biofilm
  • dysbiosis
  • eubiosis
  • food security
  • induced systemic resistance (ISR)
  • inoculants
  • microbial volatile organic compounds (mVOCs)
  • microbiome
  • phytobiome
  • plant growth promoting (PGP)
  • plant-bacteria interaction

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Agronomy and Crop Science
  • Plant Science


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