Tracing Water–Rock–Gas Reactions in Shallow Productive Mud Chambers of Active Mud Volcanoes in the Caspian Sea Region (Azerbaijan)

Aygun Bayramova, Orhan R. Abbasov, Adil A. Aliyev, Elnur E. Baloglanov, Franziska M. Stamm, Martin Dietzel, Andre Baldermann*

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We present geochemical and mineralogical datasets for five new mud volcanoes in continental Azerbaijan (Hamamdagh and Bendovan) and the adjacent Caspian Sea (Khara-Zire, Garasu and Sangi-Mughan). The fluid ejects have a Na–Cl-type composition and are generated by the mixing of evaporated Caspian seawater and low- to high-salinity pore waters, as indicated by Br–B and Cl–B systematics and Na–K and SiO2 geo-thermometers. The fluids contain high concentrations of As, Ba, Cu, Si, Li, Sr and Zn (60 to 26,300 ppm), which are caused by surface evaporation, pyrite oxidation, ion exchange reactions and hydrocarbon maturation in Oligocene-Miocene ‘Maykop’ shales. The solid ejects comprise liquid, oily and brecciated mud, mud/claystones and sandstones. The mud heterogeneity of the volcanoes is related to the geological age and different sedimentological strata of the host rocks that the mud volcanoes pass through during their ascent. All ejects show evidence of chemical alterations via water–rock–gas reactions, such as feldspar weathering, smectite illitization and the precipitation of Fe-(hydr)oxides, calcite, calcian dolomite, kaolinite and smectite. The studied localities have petrographic similarities to northern extending mud volcano systems located on Bahar and Zenbil islands, which suggests that mud volcanoes in the Caspian Sea region are sourced from giant shallow mud chambers (~1–4 km depth) located in Productive Series strata. Our results document the complex architecture of the South Caspian Basin—the most prolific hydrocarbon region in the world.

Original languageEnglish
Article number696
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - May 2023


  • Azerbaijan
  • Caspian Sea
  • Maykop shales
  • mud chemistry
  • mud mineralogy
  • mud volcanism
  • Productive Series
  • seep water chemistry
  • water-rock interaction

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
  • Geology


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