Using the Open Meta Kaggle Dataset to Evaluate Tripartite Recommendations in Data Markets

Dominik Kowald, Matthias Traub, Dieter Theiler, Heimo Gursch, Emanuel Lacic, Stefanie Lindstaedt, Roman Kern, Elisabeth Lex

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference paperpeer-review


This work addresses the problem of providing and evaluating recommendations in data markets. Since most of the research in recommender systems is focused on the bipartite relationship between users and items (e.g., movies), we extend this view to the tripartite relationship between users, datasets and services, which is present in data markets. Between these entities, we identify four use cases for recommendations: (i) recommendation of datasets for users, (ii) recommendation of services for users, (iii) recommendation of services for datasets, and (iv) recommendation of datasets for services. Using the open Meta Kaggle dataset, we evaluate the recommendation accuracy of a popularity-based as well as a collaborative filtering-based algorithm for these four use cases and find that the recommendation accuracy strongly depends on the given use case. The presented work contributes to the tripartite recommendation problem in general and to the under-researched portfolio of evaluating recommender systems for data markets in particular.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationREVEAL Workshop co-located with RecSys'2019
Publication statusPublished - 2019


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