Data from "The societal impact of Open Science - a scoping review"

Eva Kormann, Nicki Lisa Cole, Thomas Klebel, Simon Apartis, Tony Ross-Hellauer

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These files include the data from the "The societal impact of Open Science - a scoping review", part of a series of studies conducetd within the PathOS Horizon Europe project on the academic, economic, and societal impacts of Open Science. This study was conducted in two phases. In phase 1 an academic database search was conducted. For phase 2 an automatic snowball search was performed based on results from phase 1 (R project is shared for this step) and grey literature was searched manually. The PRISMA chart gives an overview over all further steps and the respective shared data sets. See the README for a description of each specific file. For more details on the methods see the protocol and its addendum. For the background, results and discussion see the deliverable (reporting on phase 1) and the pre-print. All included literature is additionally available in a Zotero library.
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 24 Jan. 2024


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