Experiences With iPads in Primary School

Martin Ebner, Julia Schönhart, Sandra Schön

Publikation: Beitrag in einer FachzeitschriftArtikel


Tablet computers gain enormous attention nowadays and become more and more part of our daily life. Due to this it is not astonishing that even the educational sector is thinking about the use of such wearable devices in the classroom. Our research study aims to give insights about real life experiences with iPads in Austrian primary schools. Therefore we describe the development of
appropriate learning apps and their use in classrooms. Finally each technology-enhanced lesson is observed as well as evaluated afterwards with the help of the cut-off technique.
The research work carries out different circumstances the use of tablet computers has a positive influence on teaching and learning and gives practical hints how they should be used in classrooms.
Seiten (von - bis)161-173
FachzeitschriftProfesorado, revista de currículum y formación del profesorado
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2014

Fields of Expertise

  • Information, Communication & Computing

Treatment code (Nähere Zuordnung)

  • Theoretical


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