H2GreenFUTURE - Addressing the challenges in the process of developing hydrogen technologies to transition to a carbon-neutral society in Slovenia and Austria

Project: Research project

Project Details


The H2GreenFUTURE project addresses the challenges in the process of developing hydrogen technologies for the transition to a carbon neutral society in the area of Slovenia and Austria. The aim is to lay the foundations for a cross-border innovation ecosystem for the development of hydrogen technologies by addressing and involving relevant stakeholders from science, industry, society and government. A pilot project will identify legal, safety and technological barriers to the development of hydrogen technologies in the cross-border area. In addition, the development and simulation of a hydrogen sandbox will enable the establishment of a long-term legal and regulatory framework. This framework will provide the basis for promoting investment in hydrogen technologies and market penetration of the corresponding applications. Public awareness and knowledge transfer will be strengthened through the development of a hydrogen technologies database that will complement the existing B2B platform of the H2GreenTech Hydrogen Centre. The project activities are designed as a continuation or implementation of key actions developed within the H2GreenTech project (Interreg SI-AT). It is based on three essential pillars for a sustainable breakthrough of hydrogen technologies in the cross-border area: research and innovation, knowledge and competences, and the development and appropriate adaptation of legislation to promote forward-looking innovations. The project paves the way for continuous cross-border cooperation between all partners.
Effective start/end date1/12/2330/11/26


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