IEA IETS Annex 17 - Membrane processes in biorefineries

Project: Research project

Project Details


The IEA IETS Annex 17 pursues the overall goal of strengthening the networking of the Austrian membrane and biorefinery research landscape and ensuring an optimized use of lignocellulosic material in biorefineries through the exchange with the international consortium from the IEA Annex 17 by means of energy- and cost-efficient separation technologies. Within the scope of subtasks A-F, this project will evaluate, optimize and integrate different membrane processes and develop strategies for biomass component utilization. The Austrian focus of subtask E is on "emerging membrane technologies". By using these technologies and the integration of waste heat in biorefineries the approach of sustainable utilization of waste materials/waste streams and a reduction of water demand by closing the cycle shall be demonstrated.
Effective start/end date1/01/2031/12/22


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