LiOn - Acquisition and analysis of cloud-ground-lightning in the Alps

Project: Research project

Project Details


The research project "LiOn" deals with cloud-ground-lightning in the Alps in one of the lightning regions of Europe with local lightning densities of more than 5 CG-lightning per square kilometer per year. These cloud-to-ground flashes (CG) have some peculiarities that are not observed in other parts of the world in this form and therefore are scientifically of great interest. These peculiarities are also of great interest internationally and the scientific findings help to better understand these natural phenomena. Particularly in alpine areas, high-voltage systems with their overhead lines and switchgear are exposed to atmospheric discharges due to the prevailing topology and meteorological load. These derivatives have an influence on the operation and availability of the supply systems, but are also of great importance in terms of personal savety and lightning protection.
Effective start/end date1/12/1730/11/19


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