V2G-QUESTS - Vehicle to Grid for Equitable Zero-Emission Transitions in positive energy districts

Project: Research project

Project Details


V2G-QUESTS contributes to the creation of inclusive positive energy districts (PEDs) by empowering/emancipating/strengthening the power-balancing capacity of private and shared electric vehicles (EVs) in thus far EV-poor areas. These vehicles can be used as one big battery to tackle intermittent energy production and consumption in urban areas through the concept of Vehicle-to-grid (V2G), which is being assessed in several pilots. However, for V2G to positively affect the power network, it will have to be adopted at different geographies and socio-economical strata. Energy production and consumption are everywhere, not just in locations where higher-income people who can afford EVs live. In V2G-QUESTS we will therefore work in a multidisciplinary team to bring electric mobility and the concept of V2G into disadvantaged and typically excluded communities, therefore contributing to both mobility and energy transitions in PEDs. The project intends to produce specific guidelines for creating mobility-enabled PEDs that are demonstrated through three specific, yet diverse, European case studies that align citizens’ behavior, business models, technology, power optimization, governance, and impacts in a co-creation context in typically excluded districts. Each country that is part of V2G-QUESTS brings specific expertise required to maximize the impact of V2G at a local and regional scale.
Effective start/end date1/12/23 → 30/11/26


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