Towards developing Accelerated Stress Tests for Room-Temperature Metal Hydride Storage Tanks

Dmytro Stepanov, Eveline Kuhnert, Merit Bodner

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review


Metal hydride (MH) hydrogen storage is a highly promising method, especially under room temperature conditions. Compared to other hydrogen storage methods, no significant energy input for heating, cooling, or achieving high pressure is needed [1]. The process of hydrogen sorption in the MH is an exothermic reaction, which involves heat release, and the desorption process occurs with a heat energy consumption, i.e., this process is endothermic. Therefore, the reaction rate of these processes depends on the temperature conditions in which the charging- and discharging cycles are carried out. The cyclic stability is one of the most important properties for the evaluation and characterisation of metal hydride storage tanks. It is the ability to absorb and release hydrogen over a large number of charge- and discharge cycles without a loss in capacity. In this work a method for accelerated stress cycling(ASC) is developed by controlling the charge- and discharge temperature of MH storage. The object of the study is a 20 nL TiFe metal hydride storage tank. Thermal parameters of the charging and discharging process are measured by a thermocouple and a thermal imaging camera. The charge- and discharge rate, volumetric values as well as the flow rate (mL/min) are determined by a mass flow meter. The desired temperature range is achieved by the use of a water circulators. In the process of experiments, it was found that by controlling and maintaining the targeted temperature range of sorption- and desorption, both the charging and discharging cycles are significantly accelerated. The increase in the flow rate in the first 15-20 minutes of the cycle allows the development of a set of accelerated stress test protocols. For ASC a strategy of not fully charging/discharging to the 100ml/min level was chosen, due to the dramatic drop in charge/discharge rate after reaching 100ml/min flow. In contrast to RT conditions where the flow rate is less than 100 ml/minute accounts for about 75-80% of the total volume, with ASC, flow rate less than 100 ml/minute
Consequently, the cycling process obtain the cyclic stability results of the metal hydride and be accelerated to further.
1. I.A. Hassan, Haitham S. Ramadan, Mohamed A. Saleh, Daniel Hissel, Hydrogen storage technologies for stationary and mobile applications: Review, analysis and perspectives, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,Volume 149, 2021, 111311, ISSN 1364-0321, (
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 11 Jul 2022
Event8th Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry of South-East Europe and 9th Kurt Schwabe Symposium: RSE-SEE 2022 - TU Graz, Graz, Austria
Duration: 11 Jul 202215 Jul 2022
Conference number: 8


Conference8th Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry of South-East Europe and 9th Kurt Schwabe Symposium
Abbreviated titleRSE-SEE 2022


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