Projects per year
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DDIA - Data Driven Immersive Analytics in Digital Industries
Müller-Putz, G. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Schreck, T. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Lindstaedt, S. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Pock, T. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Veas, E. E. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Pammer-Schindler, V. (Co-Investigator (CoI)) & Kowald, D. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/01/22 → 31/12/26
Project: Research project
EU - PRODEMINFO - Protecting the Democratic Information Space in Europe
Lindstaedt, S. (Co-Investigator (CoI)) & Garcia Becerra, D. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/10/21 → 30/04/23
Project: Research project
SERAM - Supporting users in exploring and reasoning about anomalies in multivariate timeseries
Lindstaedt, S. (Co-Investigator (CoI)) & Schreck, T. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/07/21 → 31/03/23
Project: Research project
MT01_LEC - Hybrid Modeling Approaches for Analysis and Simulation of Stochastic Combustion Phenomena
Wimmer, A. (Co-Investigator (CoI)) & Lindstaedt, S. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/04/20 → 31/12/23
Project: Research project
MT02.02_LEC HybTec - Ultra-fast Knock Prediction
Lindstaedt, S. (Co-Investigator (CoI)) & Wimmer, A. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/01/20 → 31/12/23
Project: Research project
DDAI - Explainable, Verifiable and Privacy-Preserving Data-Driven AI
Rechberger, C. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Lindstaedt, S. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Trügler, A. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Pammer-Schindler, V. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Kern, R. (Co-Investigator (CoI)) & Kowald, D. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/01/20 → 31/12/23
Project: Research project
SUPCODE - Supporting Cognitive Decision Making
Lindstaedt, S. (Co-Investigator (CoI)) & Schreck, T. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/04/18 → 31/03/21
Project: Research project
RedUsa - Predictive maintenance for production environments
Lindstaedt, S. (Co-Investigator (CoI)) & Schreck, T. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/01/18 → 31/03/21
Project: Research project
DIGI4PRODUCTION - Implementation of digiitisation trends for Smart Production of small and medium sized enterprises
Lindstaedt, S. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Spenger, T. (Co-Investigator (CoI)) & Haas, F. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/09/17 → 28/02/18
Project: Research project
EU - RAGE - Realising an Applied Gaming Eco-system
Nussbaumer, A. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Albert, D. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Steiner-Stanitznig, C. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Maurer, M. T. (Co-Investigator (CoI)) & Lindstaedt, S. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/02/15 → 31/01/19
Project: Research project
FFG-eBusiness - The future of eBusiness
Lindstaedt, S. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/10/14 → 31/03/15
Project: Research project
FFG-LiTech - Easy to use professional business and system control applications
Lindstaedt, S. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/10/14 → 30/09/18
Project: Research project
EU - VALCRI - Visual Analytics for Sense-making in CRiminal Intelligence analysis
Nussbaumer, A. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Albert, D. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Hillemann, E.-C. (Co-Investigator (CoI)) & Lindstaedt, S. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/05/14 → 30/06/18
Project: Research project
EU-DALIA_FFG - Assistant for DAily LIfe Activities at Home
Bloem, R. (Co-Investigator (CoI)) & Lindstaedt, S. (Principal Investigator (PI))
1/04/13 → 31/03/16
Project: Research project
FIND - Flexible Daten- und Informationsvernetzung für das virtuelle Fahrzeug
Lindstaedt, S. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/11/12 → 30/04/15
Project: Research project
EU-Layers - Learning Layers-Scaling up Technologies for Informal Learning in SME Clusters
Lindstaedt, S. (Principal Investigator (PI))
1/11/12 → 31/10/16
Project: Research project
EU - RECOBIA - REduction of COgnitive BIAses
Bedek, M. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Albert, D. (Principal Investigator (PI)) & Lindstaedt, S. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/02/12 → 31/01/15
Project: Research project
EU-TEAM - Transferring knowledgE on Academic knowledge Management
Lindstaedt, S. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/07/10 → 30/06/14
Project: Research project
FIT-IT Lasso - Lookup & Alignment Service with Semantic Open data
Tochtermann, K. (Co-Investigator (CoI)) & Lindstaedt, S. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/05/10 → 30/04/12
Project: Research project
EU - HABITATS - Social Validation of INSPIRE Annex III Data Structures in EU Habitats
Duschnig, E. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Tochtermann, K. (Principal Investigator (PI)) & Lindstaedt, S. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/04/10 → 30/09/12
Project: Research project
EU - ROLE - Responsive Open Learning Environments
Nussbaumer, A. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Berthold, M. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Albert, D. (Principal Investigator (PI)) & Lindstaedt, S. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/02/09 → 31/01/13
Project: Research project
EU - TARGET - Transformative, adaptive, responsive and engaging Environment
Seitlinger, P. C. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Bedek, M. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Kopeinik, S. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Albert, D. (Principal Investigator (PI)) & Lindstaedt, S. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/01/09 → 30/06/12
Project: Research project
EU - MATURE - Continuous social learning in knowledge networks
Tochtermann, K. (Principal Investigator (PI)) & Lindstaedt, S. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/04/08 → 31/03/12
Project: Research project
IDIOM - Information Diffusion across Interactive Online Media
Stern, H. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Tochtermann, K. (Principal Investigator (PI)) & Lindstaedt, S. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/11/06 → 30/04/09
Project: Research project