KI-SecAssist - AI-based cooperative air and ground robotics for support and of emergency services in crisis situations

Project: Research project

Project Details


The aim of KI-SecAssist is the development of autonomous assistance modules based on cooperative task management and various UAV and UGV systems with integrated multi-sensor Payload. The development of AI-based solution approaches enables cooperative multimodal interaction strategies between several UAVs ("Fixed Wing" and "Multi-Rotor" systems) and UGVs and thus an intelligent interaction of the individual systems into one Optimized assistance for emergency services geared towards special application scenarios. The UAV- / UGV- Systems have different performance parameters as well as one different sensors, geared to the requirements of the individual scenarios and enable near real-time on-board Situation analysis. A cooperative task management is administered Tasks and goals, prioritized and generated on the basis of situation Changes to new tasks and delegates the autonomous processing of tasks to the UAV / UGV systems. The result from KI-SecAssist is a modular proof-of-concept functional demonstrator, incl. Tests, exercises and evaluation related to the functional, Performance and practical suitability for an optimized assistance service for emergency services in crisis and disaster scenarios.
Effective start/end date1/01/2231/12/23


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