NEMOS - A new educational model for acquisition of sustainability competences through service-learning

Project: Research project

Project Details


We live in a globalized society in which the required competences of students are going to be more focused on sustainability and this challenge is prevailing and extensive to all the countries of the European Union. In a global context of the Agenda 2030, in the next 15 years’ sustainability is going to be one of the values governing society and it is also a key competence for the graduate students, who have to face the main challenges such as climate change, food waste and food losses due to inefficiency in using natural resources, and so on. The project intends to link sustainability and food due to the main role the both issues play in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Likewise, Higher Education is crucial in achieving the SDG. Therefore, it is important to review the following aspects of the Food Degrees to include the sustainability skills in the curricula of the students. The project pursues the following aims: • To define and develop an ideal Food Sustainability Profile for students • To design and development of methodological guides as a basis for improving teaching and learning techniques used in the classroom to incorporate that competence. • To train professors and lecturers through seminars and courses focused on sustainability • To establish quality control systems to evaluate the learning outcomes after having incorporated the sustainable approach as a skill in the curricula. • To provide of extra-curricular education in sustainability
Effective start/end date1/11/2131/10/23


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